Funding for cross-border activities

Are you planning a cross-border (language) activity with your class? A visit to an extracurricular place of learning, or even an exchange with another school in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine? The Small Project Fund and the EMRLingua-team offers you their support so that you can concentrate on the most important things, i.e. projects with your pupils, practical on-site implementation of your lessons and immersion in another language and culture.

The Small Project Fund and the Euregional Fund for Mobility in Educational Matters offer financial support for travel and entrance costs for your school activities in the Euregio Mass-Rhine. We have set ourselves the task of relieving you of as much bureaucratic work as possible and reducing the forms to the bare essentials.

Attention ! 

The budget of the Euregional Fund for Mobility in Educational Matters is available per calendar year and is limited. As soon as it is exhausted, we will not be able to process any more applications.

You can find further information on the funding under this link: 

Other funding opportunities for extracurricular activities: